Lending & Borrowing On-Chain.

Lend and borrow any crypto assets with the best interest rates and isolated risk.

Hero Illustration

Boosting LSTs

Put your Staked LSTs, LRTs, LP Tokens (V2), or any kind of Interest Bearing Tokens (cTokens, aTokens, etc.) to work and earn more attractive yield and partner tokens.

Questions and answers

How is the price determined?

We use multi-oracle aggregation of push-oracle feeds to determine the price of assets every sub-second. This allows us to have the most accurate price feeds and reduce the risk of flash-loans.

What is the difference between Mosaic and other lending protocols?

Mosaic is focused on being Scalable and Low-Risk, supporting 100s of assets and LSDs providing the best interest rates based on risk and liquidity.

Wen Mainnet?

We are currently working on the Mainnet launch and will be launching soon on multiple chains.

What kind of assets can I lend?

DEX LP tokens, Interest Bearing Tokens, Staked Assets (stETH, sDAI), Partner Assets (Pendle, Range, Rivera), and any other ERC20 tokens. We are working on adding support for NFTs and other asset types.

How is Risk Managed in Moasic?

We actively evaluate market volatility and adjust our collateralization ratios accordingly. We have strong network of liquidation bots that track individual positions and liquidate them if they fall below the required collateralization ratio.

How do I get in touch with the team?

You can reach out to us on our Discord or Twitter. We are always happy to help and answer questions.

Ready to get started?